Saturday, 22 December 2007

Two Sisters - Clannad guitar chords

I haven't found this anywhere on the internet but I think I have most of it worked out so here it is! In the recording the first verse has just vocals but for simplicity I've put the chords on there. Enjoy!

C--------------------------------- F
There were two sisters side by side
------------C -------------F
Sing aye dum, sing aye day
--------C -------------------------F
There were two sisters side by side
------Am-------G -------F
The boys are born for me
There were two sisters side by side
The eldest for young johnny cried
G ------C -------F
I'll be true for my love
----G-------------- C
If he'll be true to me

Johnny bought the youngest a gay gold ring...
He never bought the eldest a single thing...

Johnny bought the youngest a beaver hat...
The eldest never thought much of that...

As they were walking by the foamy brim...

The eldest pushed the youngest in...

Sister, oh sister give me thy hand...
And you can have johnny and all his land...

Sister I won't give you my hand...
And i'll have johnny and all his land...

So there she sank and away she swam...
Until she came to the miller's dam...

Miller took away her gay gold ring...
And then he pushed her in again...

Miller he was hanged on the mountain head...
The eldest sister was boiled in lead...

Stop iPlayer from using all of your bandwidth when not in use

If you are trying the BBC's new iPlayer service then you may not be aware that even when the program is closed, it is still sharing out content with other users. This is a potential problem because if you are on a capped broadband service, your bandwidth is being used up very quickly, and if you are on an unlimited service, the program may be uploading during peak hours (typically 6-11PM), which could warrant a stern email from your ISP.
To prevent this, we need to set the iPlayer's Kontiki service to manual startup. To do this click start, then click run and type "services.msc" and hit enter. This will open the Windows services management console. Find the Kontiki service quickly by pressing the "K" key until a service called "KService" is highlighted. Double click on this and change the startup type drop down box from automatic to manual. Click OK and close Services.

Now we're going to make a batch file to close the iPlayer program and service for when it's not in use.
start notepad and type in the following:
net stop "kservice"
Save this file somewhere as a .bat file e.g. close bbc.bat - when you have finished downloading programmes simply open this batch file and the iPlayer will be closed completely, saving your bandwidth.

Redirect files to a network share

Remap user folders to network share for centralised storage and backup

As a simpler way of having your files follow you around your home network, remap your user folders to a network share.

One downpoint of having a small workgroup of computers is that if you use one computer, and then the other, that file you were working on last is not on the second computer! A solution is to remap your user folders to a NAS (Network Attached Storage) device or a network share on another computer. I have implemented this on a network with 2 computers both running Windows XP. Make sure all users exist on all computers before starting this.

Using a NAS

1. Create a network share on your NAS named the same as each of your users.

2. Move the folders you want remapping to the network share (e.g. move the desktop, documents etc from c:\documents and settings\John to \\NAS\John).

3. Install TweakUI on each computer.

4. In each user, and on each computer, open TweakUI, and expand My Computer, then click on Special Folders.

5. Select the first folder from the drop-down menu you want to remap, in this case, the desktop.

6. Click change location, you will get a warning here, click on Yes.

7. Browse to the network location with your special folders on, then click on the folder you want to be your desktop folder.

8. Repeat for each folder you are remapping.

I would recommend mapping Desktop, Favorites, Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos

Using a network share on another computer

Note: for this to work the computer hosting the files will have to be switched on for users' files to be available on any other computers.

1. Make sure the user you want to host the files for has a user account on the host computer.

2. Open My Computer and navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\, right click the first user's folder, select 'sharing and security' and enable sharing this folder on the network.

3. Repeat this for each user.

4. Depending on your setup before starting this, you may need to move the first user's files over to the host computer, do this now.

5. Carry out above steps from step 3 onwards.